The Independent Breaking News v3.0.20 MOD
The daily digital newspaper: wake up to your digital newspaper from 5am each morning and enjoy your read of the day’s biggest stories. Exclusive events and e-books: join the debate with expert-led digital events and deepen your understanding of a topic with our curated selection of e-books.
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Daily crosswords, sudoku and puzzles
Challenge yourself with our entertaining and extensive range of brain-training puzzles
All our journalism in one place
From up-to-the-minute breaking news to the daily digital newspaper, enjoy ad-free access to our reporting wherever you are and whenever you want
The Independent Supports
- Native tablet support for a better reading experience
- The ability to follow topics that matter to you
- Follow your favorite authors like you do any topic
- Resize the article text to help with your reading experience
- The ability to read an article even when you are offline
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Website address
The website can be read at will keep you up to date with the latest news from the UK
A Tip For You
Ive noticed some comments on the playstore with people having issues with not been able to close down audio tab.To close down the audio tab just swipe the screen towards the right and you with see a red crross to exit it.
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- mod by hifi2007 reviews