The Daily Telegraph News v9.1.12 Australia Subscribed

The Daily Telegraph apk has the best up-to-date latest news and the trending stories as they happen, the app includes award-winning journalists in New South Wales, Australia, and the globe.

Get a read today with our breadth of content, award-winning journalism, and trusted local perspectives. We are proud to tell incredible stories every hour of every day with The Daily Telegraph app.

Personalise Your News Feed

Set your local news area, follow journalists and topics, plus your favorite sporting codes and teams. All of your customized preferences will appear on the home screen so you can get straight to what matters to you.

Customized Notifications

Receive alerts on the stories that matter most as they happen. Tailor your notifications from a range of topics from breaking news, sports,s and entertainment to business updates and lifestyle.

Read Today’s Paper On Your Device

Read the paper on the go with the digital replica of today’s newspaper. Access to the paper anytime, anywhere with the digital replica of the paper, as it’s printed.

Discover The Range Of Podcasts

Explore and listen to a wide range of podcasts from our team of dedicated journalists across the News+ network.

The Daily Telegraph app for mobile and tablet is free to download, however, to gain full access to the app’s content and features simply subscribe for Member-only access.

Install The Daily Telegraph Australia Android app

First of all, you need to download the apk file. Then Go to settings and security. You will then need to enable unknown sources on your Android device. Install the apk file on your device. Finally, Open the app to check out your local news stories.


You can find the app HERE and support the developer of this new app

Mod Details

  • Digital Subscription / Paid features unlocked
  • Languages: Full Multi Languages
  • CPUs: arm7 arm64
  • Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi
  • The original package signature changed
  • Release by hifi2007 reviews mod

DOWNLOAD arm64 mod


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